Corona Del Rey CDC Staff
Classroom 1 Teacher: Bertha I. FregosoEducation: Masters of Education in Behavior Management
At QCS since: 2007 (2007-2010 as Teacher Assistant; 2010-Present as Head Teacher) Experience: 1998-2000 as Teacher at Science with Kids Permits/Training: Site Supervisor Permit; CPR & First Aid Certification; Montessori Method, Ongoing workshops and training to enhance knowledge within early education Hobbies: Hiking |
CLASSROOM 1 Teacher Assistant(Sub): Celia HurtadoAt QCS since: 2010 (2010-Present as Substitute Teacher Assistant)
Experience: 4 years as Kindergarten Teacher in Mexico Permits/Training: Teacher Permit; CPR & First Aid Certification; Montessori Method, Ongoing workshops and training to enhance knowledge within early education Hobbies: Arts and Crafts |
CLASSROOM 2 Teacher:Marina CazessusEducation: Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education
At QCS since: 2007 (2007-Present as Head Teacher) Experience: 2006-2007 as Teacher at Lovett's Children Inc. 1995-2006 as Teacher Assistant at Plaza de la Raza Permits/Training: Site Supervisor Permit; CPR & First Aid Certification; Montessori Method, Ongoing workshops and training to enhance knowledge within early education Hobbies: Gardening and Juggling |
CLASSROOM 2 TEACHER ASSISTANT(SUB): Paz A. LopezEducation: Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education
At QCS since: 2011 (2011-Present as Substitute Teacher Assistant) Experience: 7 years as Preschool Teacher in Mexico Permits/Training: Site Supervisor Permit; CPR & First Aid Certification; Montessori Method, Ongoing workshops and training to enhance knowledge within early education Hobbies: Reading and Juggling |
CLASSROOM 2 TEACHER ASSISTANT(AM SUB): Jaqueline BlakeAt QCS since: 2012 (2012-Present as Substitute Teacher Assistant
Permits/Training: Associate Teacher Permit; CPR & First Aid Certification; Montessori Method, Ongoing workshops and training to enhance knowledge within early education Hobbies: Arts and Crafts |
CLASSROOM 2 TEACHER ASSISTANT(PM SUB): Martha ReyesEducation: Bachelor of Arts in Accounting
At QCS since: 2012 (2012-Present as Substitute Teacher Assistant) Experience: 2010-2012 as Special Needs Teacher at Zarm Home Facility 2008-2010 as Noon Supervisor at Riverview Elementary Permits/Training: Site Supervisor Permit; CPR & First Aid Certification; Montessori Method, Ongoing workshops and training to enhance knowledge within early education |